Some precious ressources.

Get ready for SPLIMUN 2025 by reading our Delegate Handbook, Delegate Playbook and Equity Policy.

The Delegate Handbook!!

This document will be your must have in order to apprehend and prepare for SPLIMUN 2025! It includes crucial information on awards, recommendations in the city, conference proceedings, logistics, and much more…

Delegate’s Playbook

The Playbook is a comprehensive guide designed to help delegates navigate the complexities of a MUN conference. It includes essential rules of procedure, detailing the formal processes for speeches, debates, and voting. The playbook also provides strategies for effective diplomacy, negotiation, and lobbying, offering tips on public speaking, writing resolutions, and building alliances.

Crisis Handbook

The purpose of this document is to present the general rules of the Crisis Committee proposed at SPLIMUN 2025. Learn what strategy to adopt and how to write efficient directives in this precious handbook!

Our Equity Policy:

SPLIMUN’s “charter of good conduct and discrimination prevention” is a document which states SPLIMUN’s policy regarding discrimination and violences. By reading and signing this charter, you commit to stick to SPLIMUN’s values for the entire duration of the conference. You also acknowledge to be aware of Sciences Po Lille rules and the French Law. As creating a safe environment is our main priority, SPLIMUN’s team will not tolerate any form of discrimination and physical, verbal or psychological violence.

If you have any questions or issues, don't hesitate to reach out through email :